Remnant Radio News

Jesus & The Powers with Michael Bird! Is Praise Spiritual Warfare? And More!

Greetings, Remnant Fam! Here’s what you’ll find in this issue:

  • Shows This Week:
    7/8: Jesus and the Powers: Interview with Dr. Michael Bird
    7/10: Is Praise & Worship Spiritual Warfare?

  • Your Questions Answered

  • Last Week’s Shows:
    -How Paul's View of the End Times Shapes Us Today: Interview With Dr. Constantine R. Campbell
    -Surviving a Toxic Church: Victims of IHOP Speak Out

  • Replay: Being God’s Image: Interview with Carmen Imes

  • Partner with Remnant

  • Refer Remnant & Earn Quick Rewards


Tune in to The Remnant Radio this week on Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CDT / UTC-5 and connect with fellow fans in the chat! We return to live shows on Wednesday.

Jesus and the Powers: Interview with Dr. Michael Bird

We welcome back Dr. Michael Bird to discuss his latest book co-authored with N.T. Wright, "Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies."

In their book, Wright and Bird explore the critical question of how Christians should engage with politics. Should we withdraw to maintain our prophetic voice, or should we actively participate to influence political systems? They call on Christians to discern their witness in today's fractured political environment, amidst the rise of autocracies, fear, and fragmentation.

Combining political theology, biblical insights, and church history, "Jesus and the Powers" argues for a kingdom-oriented approach to politics. Wright and Bird emphasize confronting empire in all its forms and promoting democratic societies while opposing autocracy and nationalism. They delve into the relevance of this approach to current events, including the Russian-Ukraine conflict, China-Taiwan tensions, and political turmoil in the USA, UK, and Australia.

Learn how Christians can navigate and engage with politics in a way that aligns with Jesus's kingdom and contributes to the common good.

Dr. Michael Bird

Premieres Monday, July 8 at 4 p.m. CDT/UTC-5.

Michael F. Bird is a leading academic on New Testament studies and Christian Theology. He is Lecturer in Theology at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia.


Is Praise & Worship Spiritual Warfare?

Worship and praise are fundamental aspects of the Christian faith, but can they also serve as powerful weapons in spiritual battles?

Join us as we explore the biblical foundations and theological perspectives on the role of praise in spiritual warfare. We'll examine key scriptural passages, such as 2 Chronicles 20:21-22, where King Jehoshaphat appointed singers to lead his army into battle, and Acts 16:25-26, where Paul and Silas's hymns in prison led to a miraculous earthquake and their subsequent release. These stories suggest that praise can indeed shift the spiritual atmosphere and bring about divine intervention.

We'll also discuss practical ways believers can incorporate praise into their daily spiritual practices to combat spiritual oppression and foster a deeper connection with God. Our conversation will address questions like: How does praise impact the spiritual realm? Can worship dismantle strongholds and bring about deliverance? What are the implications of viewing praise as a strategic element in spiritual warfare?

Tune in to uncover the spiritual power of praise and its potential to transform battles into victories through worship. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of how praise can be a significant tool in your spiritual journey.

Join us LIVE Wednesday, July 10 at 4 p.m. CDT/UTC-5.


Have a theology question? Drop it here. While we can't guarantee we'll tackle every question, we'll dive into one or two each week. So, fire away and let's explore together!

We’re taking a break for a few weeks while the guys are on summer hiatus. Please continue to add your questions at the link above!


If you missed joining us for the Live Chat, you can still catch the episodes:

How Paul's View of the End Times Shapes Us Today: Interview With Dr. Constantine R. Campbell

Is the Apostle Paul a "covenant" or an "apocalyptic" theologian? Join us as we sit down with Dr. Constantine Campbell to explore Pauline eschatology in his latest book "Paul and the Hope of Glory."

We'll delve into the significance of eschatology (end times) in Paul's theology, understanding how it shapes his teachings on justification, resurrection, and ethics. Dr. Campbell will unpack phrases like "the last day," "inheritance," and "hope," revealing how they fit into Paul's broader beliefs.

Discover why Paul's perspective on the future matters for us today and how it shapes our views on salvation and resurrection. Equip yourself with a deeper understanding of Paul's eschatological vision and its implications for our hope of glory.


Surviving a Toxic Church - Victims of IHOP Speak Out

Join Remnant Radio as we delve into a profound and heart-wrenching conversation with Shari Hall, Elizabeth Herder, and Jen Roberts, who share their personal experiences of abuse and manipulation at the International House of Prayer (IHOP). This in-depth interview reveals the systemic issues and toxic culture that pervaded IHOP, highlighting stories of exploitation, favoritism, and the emotional and spiritual toll on those involved. Each woman offers a unique perspective on their journey, the impact on their lives, and their courageous steps toward healing and raising awareness. This episode is a crucial narrative for anyone seeking to understand the dark undercurrents within religious institutions and the resilience of those who speak out against them.

If you missed Part 1, you can watch it here.


Being God’s Image: Interview with Carmen Imes


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