Remnant Radio News

The Evolution of Modern Methodism! How Churches Should Train on the Gifts!

Thanks for subscribing! Here’s what you’ll find in this issue:

  • Remnant Conference: June 30 Deadline for Early Bird Pricing!

  • Shows This Week:

    6/10: The Evolution of Methodism: From Asbury to Today
    6/12: How Churches Should Train on the Spiritual Gifts

  • Your Questions Answered

  • Last Week’s Shows:
    Clergy Loyal to the Crown? Interview with Dr. Gregg Frazer
    Haunted Houses, Cursed Spaces & Regional Spirits

  • Blog: Discernment vs. Judgment

  • Replay: The Asbury Revival

  • Engage with Remnant

  • Refer Remnant & Earn Quick Rewards


"Earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. That verb earnestly desire means to have a deep, strong passionate affectionate for. It means you've got to want it really bad." - Sam Storms

See and hear Sam Storms, Joshua Lewis, Michael Rowntree, Michael Miller, and Jeff Tyner at the Remnant Conference. Plus! World-class Worship! Prayer & Ministry! Demonstrations of the Gifts!

Use REMCON24 as the Access Code to access Early Bird Pricing: 20% OFF. Deadline to use: June 30 at midnight!


Tune in to The Remnant Radio this week on Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CDT / UTC-5 and connect with fellow fans in the chat!

The Evolution of Methodism: From Asbury to Today

Dr. David Watson joins us to discuss the history and evolution of modern Methodism, particularly the journey from the days of Francis Asbury to the current state of the Methodist Church. How did we transition from the foundational influence of Asbury to the significant changes and challenges facing the Methodist Church today? We'll explore the key moments, movements, and figures that have shaped Methodism over the years and discuss the modern revolution happening within the church.

David is the Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament at United Theological Seminary and has a wealth of knowledge and experience, having authored and edited numerous publications, including Key United Methodist Beliefs; Wesley, Wesleyans, and Reading Bible as Scripture; and Scripture and the Life of God: Why the Bible Matters Today More than Ever. He's also the Lead Editor of Firebrand and co-host of the Firebrand Podcast.

Monday, June 10, 4 p.m. CDT/UTC-5

How Churches Should Train on the Spiritual Gifts

Get ready for an empowering episode of The Remnant Radio as we dive into how churches should train their congregations in the gifts of the Spirit. We'll explore the best practices for equipping the body of Christ to operate in the spiritual gifts. What should churches be doing to train and nurture these gifts? We'll break down effective methods for teaching, demonstration, and mobilization.

We'll discuss how to create a solid foundation of biblical understanding about spiritual gifts, ensuring that members know what the Bible says about the gifts and how they can be used for the edification of the church. We'll also look at practical ways to demonstrate these gifts in action, providing real-life examples and hands-on training to help people recognize and develop their spiritual abilities.

Moreover, we'll talk about mobilization—how to encourage and empower church members to step out in faith and use their gifts in everyday life and ministry. From small group settings to larger church gatherings, we'll cover strategies to create an environment where the Gifts of the Spirit can thrive and grow.

Join us in the Live Chat Wednesday, June 12 at 4 p.m. CDT/UTC-5.


Have a theology question? Drop it here. While we can't guarantee we'll tackle every question, we'll dive into a couple each week. So, fire away and let's explore together!

Question from Conner in Iowa: From an ecclesiological point of view, is there a max church size? Reading Karl Vaters (desizing the church), it has become apparent that much of the American church seeks numbers over everything. Big numbers aren't bad, but I would love to hear from the 3 of you (maybe even a discussion with Vaters) on church size and the thoughts that come with it.

Answer from Michael Rowntree: I once saw a cartoon addressing the issue of church size. One man stood outside of his giant church, and another man stood of outside his tiny church. They were both looking at each other, and a word bubble emerged from each man's mouth. Peering down at the other's church, each one said the same thing: "Sad."

We must guard against the tendency to judge churches that are different than ours. Most churches in the New Testament appeared to be house churches, but the church in Jerusalem numbered many thousand. Granted, they met in each other's homes daily, and some would argue that these functioned like "micro-churches" within the broader Jerusalem church. Either way, there are good and bad big churches, as well as good and bad small churches.

With that said, Revelation 2-3 seems to warn us about the dangers of big, wealthy churches. Sardis is what I call, "the Conference Circuit Church"--it had a reputation of being alive, but it was dead. Laodicea was an archetypical wealthy suburban church. But wealth lulled them to sleep.

The only two churches that escaped the rebuke of Jesus were in Smyrna and Philadelphia: one had only a little strength, and the other had only a little money. Although they never headlined the conference circuit, these small, faithful churches on the margins of empire shone brightly.

Personally, I have pastored a church of 300 and a church of 1200. I have also worked with house churches, and I am currently starting a new ministry that helps plant house churches across OKC. Every church size faces its own inherent challenges and opportunities. Strength, size, and money are not eviland they can indeed bless the worldbut stewarding them requires humble elders who posture themselves with "ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches." 

Question from Dick in Florida: Can the Wednesday evening Convergence OKC event be live streamed? If YES, how does one jump aboard?

Answer: A livestream for Convergence OKC with Michael Rowntree should be available in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can watch uploaded videos on their YouTube Channel.

You also can connect with Joshua Lewis and Michael Miller as pastors at their churches:


If you missed joining us for the Live Chat, you can still catch the episodes:

Clergy Loyal to the Crown? Interview with Dr. Gregg Frazer

In this episode, we examine a side of the American Revolution that often gets overlooked. In Monday's episode, we chat with Dr. Gregg Frazer about his book God against the Revolution: The Loyalist Clergy's Case against the American Revolution.

Romans 13:1 reminds us to "be subject to the governing authorities," a principle at the heart of Frazer's work. Discover the political and biblical arguments of Loyalist ministers who opposed independence from British rule and offered a nuanced perspective on the Revolution. This discussion is not only an interesting addition to our understanding of American political thought but also a timely reflection on the political dynamics of our own era. Don't miss this intriguing discussion on historical and contemporary political dynamics!

Haunted Houses, Cursed Spaces & Regional Spirits

Get ready for an intense episode of The Remnant Radio. We're exploring the chilling topics of haunted houses, desecrated spaces, and cursed regions.

We'll uncover the dark realities of Satanic and detestable practices and the spiritual impact they can have on places, geography, and entire regions. And here's the big question: Can a physical location be redeemed? We'll discuss the power of prayer, spiritual cleansing, and whether desecrated spaces can be redeemed.

Watch this episode to explore the spiritual implications of haunted and cursed places.


An excellent blog from John Davidson, a member at King’s Fellowship Church and one of our Word & Spirit School of Ministry small group leaders:


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