Remnant Radio News

Why Do We Interview People We Disagree With? How to Have More of the Holy Spirit! And More!

Greetings, Remnant Fam! Here’s what you’ll find in this issue:

  • Shows This Week:
    8/19 - Why Do We Interview People We Disagree With?
    8/21 - How to Have More of the Holy Spirit

  • Word & Spirit School of Ministry: 1 Week Left to Register!

  • Patreon: Theology Q&A with Joshua Lewis

  • Your Questions Answered

  • Last Week’s Shows:
    -Patterns, Parallels & Promises in the Bible: Interview with Dr. James Hamilton
    -Is There Power in Demonic Forces?

  • Replay: When The Perfect Comes the Partial Will Pass Away: Interview with Dr. Thomas Schreiner - Cessationist Explains 1 Corinthians 13:10 and Ephesians 2:20

  • Partner with Remnant

  • Refer Remnant & Earn Quick Rewards


This week’s shows are pre-recorded as the Remnant hosts take time to record a new course. Details on the course, including a pre-sales discount, will be published here in the newsletter!

You can still connect with fellow fans in the chat. Tune in to The Remnant Radio this week on Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CDT / UTC-5.


Why Do We Interview People We Disagree With?

In this episode, we’re tackling a question we receive a lot: Why do we interview people we disagree with?

We'll examine why we've interviewed controversial guests like Todd White, Heidi Baker, and Isaiah Saldivar and yet also cessationists like Dr. Thomas Schreiner, Dr. Stephen Nichols, and Cultish, to name a few. Does alignment equal agreement? We'll also discuss if there's anyone we won't interview. Where is our boundary line?

Our mission on The Remnant Radio is to help people break out of their theological echo chambers and truly engage with the Scriptures. By exposing ourselves to different perspectives from fellow Christian brothers and sisters, we challenge our own understanding of the Bible, which pushes us back to the Scriptures for further study. We encourage you to do the same. Whether your beliefs shift or become more resolute, the important thing is that they are rooted in a genuine, thoughtful engagement with God's Word.

Tune in to learn more about why we believe these conversations are crucial for a strong, well-rounded faith.

Episode premieres Monday, August 19 at 4:00 p.m. CDT/UTC-5.


How to Have More of the Holy Spirit

Can you experience more of the Holy Spirit? And if so, how? In this episode, we'll explore what the Bible says about the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit, delving into questions about the normative and extraordinary means of grace. We'll also examine verses that illuminate how to better position yourself to receive more of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we seek to understand how Christian believers can experience a deeper and more powerful relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Episode premieres Wednesday, August 21 at 4:00 p.m. CDT/UTC-5.


How do you know if you have the gift of prophecy or healing or tongues unless you try? Where better to try than in a supportive community led by experienced mentors? Join us for a 13-week discipleship program. Learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit to use your spiritual gifts to pray for people, heal the sick, and spread the Good News!

  • 13 week, interactive discipleship program

  • 117 organized, bite-sized videos

  • Theologically-sound and biblically-grounded teachings

  • No hype or performance

  • Weekly live Q&A sessions with our course instructors

  • Safe space to practice in community with a small group coach

  • Connect with like-minded believers on the same journey as you

  • The first module releases August 31

Spring 2024 Student Testimonial

Limited spots for small groups available!
Don’t delay! Registration closes August 25.

(Psst! Discount codes can still be found on Patreon!)


Join Joshua Lewis on Wednesday, September 4 at 5 p.m. CDT/UTC-5 for a Theology Q&A.

Have a question on theology that you’ve always wanted to ask Remnant Radio? Now’s your chance! Hop on to the Zoom call and directly ask Remnant host and founder, Joshua Lewis.

A Zoom link will be sent to all Patreon supporters. Click here to become a Patreon supporter.

Wednesday, September 4
Only on Patreon


Have a theology question? Drop it here. While we can't guarantee we'll tackle every question, we'll dive into one or two each week. So, fire away and let's explore together!

Graham from North Carolina: How is it possible for a Christian to have a demon? How can the Holy Spirit cohabitate with an unclean spirit? Do we have any clear examples in scripture of someone simultaneously indwelt by an unclean spirit and the Holy Spirit?

Answer: We answer your questions in this episode on whether Christians can be demonized.


If you missed joining us for the Live Chat, you can still catch the episodes:

Patterns, Parallels & Promises in the Bible: Interview with Dr. James Hamilton

Ever notice patterns and parallels in the Bible, like Noah as a new Adam, pointing to Christ as the second Adam? Dr. James Hamilton joins us to discuss his book Typology: Understanding the Bible's Promise-Shaped Patterns. In this episode, we’ll explore how Old Testament themes and characters foreshadow the fulfillment found in Jesus. We'll discuss:

  • How historical correspondences in the Bible build significance.

  • Key patterns like Adam & New Adam, Exodus & New Exodus, and more.

  • How typology enhances our understanding of Scripture.

If you’re eager to see Old Testament promises fulfilled in Jesus Christ, you won’t want to miss this interview!


Is There Power in Demonic Forces?

In this episode, we'll examine what the Bible says about demonic power and examine key biblical stories that reveal the reality and influence of dark supernatural forces. We'll cover:

  • The Witch of Endor: Unpacking the story from 1 Samuel 28, where King Saul seeks out a medium and encounters the spirit of Samuel. What does this event tell us about the reality of the demonic behind mediums?

  • Balaam: Exploring Numbers 22-24, where Balaam, a prophet entangled with divination, is confronted by an angel of the Lord. How does Balaam's story illustrate the clash between divine and demonic powers?

  • Simon the Sorcerer: Analyzing Acts 8, where Simon, a magician who astonished people with his sorcery, seeks to buy the Holy Spirit's power from the apostles. What can we learn from his misguided pursuit of spiritual power?

  • The Python Spirit in Acts 16: Discussing the account of the slave girl possessed by a spirit of divination and how Paul confronts this demonic presence. What does this encounter teach us about the real power and influence of demonic forces?

Through these biblical narratives, we'll highlight the reality of the supernatural realm and acknowledge that negative forces are indeed real and potent. We'll also explore the implications for Christians today, offering insights on how to recognize and respond to these spiritual threats.


The one where we invited a cessationist on to talk about cessationism…


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One referral earns you a Remnant Radio vinyl sticker. Three gets you a Gospel of Mark Study Guide ($25 value) that goes with an 18-video session with the awesome Dr. Craig Keener! And five referrals gets you a $25 promo code to pick out your favorite Remnant shirt from our Remnant store (US residents only). Click below to share!