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Remnant Radio News
Please Pray: RemCon THIS Week! NDE's & the Bible! And More!
Greetings, Remnant Fam! Here’s what you’ll find in this week’s issue:
Shows This Week:
9/30 - Near-Death Experiences & the Bible: Do They Align?
10/2 - No ShowRemnant Conference: THIS Week!
Questions & Answers!
Last Week’s Shows:
Did Pope Francis Promote Universalism?
What is the Power and Scope of Testimony?Replay: Christianity vs Naturalism with Gavin Ortlund
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Tune in to The Remnant Radio and join us in the Live Chat on Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. CDT / UTC-5.
Near-Death Experiences & the Bible: Do They Align?
We’re sitting down with bestselling author John Burke to discuss his fascinating book Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God's Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You. Burke delves into over 100 stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) and compares them to what the Bible says about Heaven. From questions about our identity and relationships in Heaven to what God is like and what we'll do for eternity, this conversation explores it all.
Burke has spent decades researching the accounts of people from all walks of life—doctors, professors, and even the blind—who’ve had life-altering NDEs, including both heavenly and hellish experiences. While not every detail lines up with Scripture, he argues that the shared themes from thousands of stories paint a vivid and exhilarating picture of the Heaven promised in the Bible. Tune in as we explore how these experiences can shape our view of the afterlife and even impact the way we live today!
Tune in on Monday, September 30 at 4:00 p.m. CDT / UTC-5!
See you next week!
We’ve planned! We’ve prayed! We’ve prepped! The time has come for this year’s Remnant Conference. Nearly 1,000 people will join us for three days of worship, teaching, equipping, and prayer ministry THIS week! If you’re in the Houston area, there are still a few tickets left. Join us Thursday night, Friday & Saturday, October 3 to 5 at WoodsEdge Community Church. |
Please be in prayer for the conference this week! Thank you so much!
Prayer points:
For God to be glorified in all we say and do!
For the Holy Spirit’s presence to be welcomed and experienced
For hearts to be open to the Holy Spirit
For people to break free from strongholds
For people to experience the spiritual gifts God has granted them
Strength and endurance for the speakers, conference team and prayer partners
Save travels for everyone coming to the conference
For plans to be implemented smoothly
Have a theology question? Drop it here. While we can't guarantee we'll tackle every question, we'll dive into one or two each week. So, fire away and let's explore together!
Randi from Oklahoma: When in places where the spirit is moving, sometimes I feel like I have a fever & I sometimes get a stomach ache, or a super lonely feeling, can that be the Holy Spirit moving in me? I've had friends who I consider biblically smart tell me God wouldn't cause sickness.
Answer: Consider that the Holy Spirit might be prompting you to pray for someone nearby who is experiencing the same ailment or emotion you're feeling. The best way to find out is to take a step of faith and ask. The next time you sense something happening in your body, take the risk and inquire if someone needs prayer for that specific condition. If they say yes, pray for God's healing and restoration. With time, you'll grow in discerning when it's the Holy Spirit giving you a nudge. Regarding whether God causes sickness, here are two episodes you may find helpful:
If you missed joining us for the Live Chat, you can still catch the episodes:
Did Pope Francis Promote Universalism?
Recently, at an inter-religious youth conference, Pope Francis made a statement that has sparked significant debate: "All religions are path[way]s to reach God." He likened religions to different languages, each providing a unique way of approaching the same God. His comments have led to mixed reactions—some defending the Pope's intentions and others accusing him of promoting universalism.
In this episode, we’ll be joined by Pastor Mike Shreve, a former Catholic and evangelist to Catholics with his ministry ToCatholicsWithLove.org. Pastor Shreve argues that the Pope's statements reflect key issues within Catholic teaching today. Together, we’ll explore whether the Pope's words were mistranslated or if they represent a shift toward universalism, and more importantly, why universalism is not supported by Scripture. Don’t miss this in-depth analysis as we seek to uncover the truth behind these controversial remarks.
You can watch the Pope's original comments here.
What Is the Power and Scope of Testimony?
Testimonies of how we’ve experienced God can be powerful tools for encouraging others and pointing them to Christ, but they must always remain subordinate to Scripture. So, how should we use our testimonies responsibly? In this episode, we'll explore the role of personal testimony in the Christian faith.
We'll examine the balance between sharing our personal experiences with God and ensuring they don’t become prescriptive or authoritative. Testimonies should inspire and build up others, but they should not be turned into practices or doctrines. We’ll discuss how to keep our testimonies humble, using them to edify rather than establish a "new normal" for the Christian life.
Join us as we better understand the biblical role of testimony and learn how to use our personal stories to encourage without replacing or overshadowing the truth of Scripture.
Christianity vs Naturalism with Gavin Ortlund
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