Remnant Radio News

Hear God in Dreams! 2024 Prophecy Review! And More!

Greetings, Remnant Fam! Here’s what you’ll find in this week’s issue:

  • Shows This Week:
    -How to Hear God in Dreams & Visions: Interview with Tania Harris
    -2024 Annual Prophecy Review

  • Intro to Christian Theology: Presale Promo Code - Use by Jan 1!

  • Q&A

  • Last Week’s Shows:
    -The Need for Elders: Biblical Leadership in a Time of Evangelical Crisis
    -Testing The Prophets: Questioning The Integrity of The ACPE

  • Replay: What is Church Discipline & How Do We Do It?

  • Support the Show

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  • Earn Rewards


Tune in to The Remnant Radio and join the Remnant community Live Chat on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at 4:00 p.m. CST / UTC-6.

How to Hear God in Dreams & Visions: Interview with Tania Harris

Can God speak through dreams today? Throughout Scripture, dreams and visions were God’s most common way of communicating with His people. Yet many believers today quickly dismiss their dreams as mere products of late-night snacking.

Today we’re joined by Rev. Dr. Tania Harris, global director of God Conversations, to explore the biblical foundation of hearing God through dreams. Drawing from both theological research and practical ministry experience, Dr. Harris helps us navigate this often-misunderstood aspect of God’s communication.

Whether you’re curious about your own dreams or wanting to understand this spiritual gift better, join us for this balanced exploration of how God speaks through dreams and visions today.

Rev. Dr. Tania Harris

Join us Monday, December 9 at 4:00 p.m. CST / UTC-6!

Episode Sponsored by Logos Bible Software - The all new Logos is now easier to use and more accessible than ever with monthly plans starting at $9.99. Visit to get started for FREE with an exclusive extended free trial of up to 60-days!


2024 Annual Prophecy Review

As we close out 2024, it’s time for our annual examination of prophetic words released over our nation. In keeping with Paul’s instruction to “test everything” (1 Thess 5:21), we’re taking a careful look at specific prophecies from prominent voices in the prophetic movement.

We’ll examine prophecies from: • Chris Reed • Mario Murillo • Jeremiah Johnson

We’ll evaluate: • What was specifically prophesied for 2024 • What actually occurred • The importance of prophetic accountability • How to biblically test prophetic words • Lessons for the prophetic movement going forward

This isn’t about criticism or cynicism - it’s about encouraging our prophetic community to grow in maturity as we pursue both gifting and accountability. Join us for this important year-end review as we seek to honor both the gift of prophecy and the biblical mandate to “weigh carefully what is said” (1 Cor 14:29).

Episode premieres Wednesday, December 11 at 4:00 p.m. CST / UTC-6!


If you’re interested in a seminary-style theology course that explores the pillars of our Christian faith - what we believe and why we believe it, check out Remnant Radio’s Introduction to Christian Theology.

You’ll dive deep into the theology of:

  • Who God is and how He works

  • The life and mission of Jesus

  • The role of the Holy Spirit in our lives

  • Why we trust the Bible

  • What it means to belong to the Church

  • Understanding sin and the beauty of salvation

  • What the future holds according to Scripture

  • 8 weeks

  • Self-paced course

  • 40 teaching videos

  • Lifetime access

  • Launches January 1

  • $300 - Use promo code for $50 OFF!



Have a theology question? Drop it here. While we can't guarantee we'll tackle every question, we'll dive into one or two each week. So, fire away and let's explore together!

Sue from Florida: I am currently a member of a reformed church. The elders and lead pastors are cessationists, and I believe most if not all members are also cessationists. I love my church and the people. The expository preaching has been so edifying and their love for God's Word is evident...but I am a continuationist. I don't want to leave this church, and I don't want to cause division, but more than anything I want to be obedient to God's word. How do I approach this situation? Is it possible to earnestly desire spiritual gifts, and remain at a cessationist church? Am I being disobedient to God's word by being at a cessationist church? What next steps should I take to walk in obedience to God and His word, while showing Christ love and pursue unity to my pastor, elders, and other church members?

Answer: Your desire to honor both God’s Word and maintain unity in the body of Christ is commendable. First, you’re not alone in this tension. Many believers find themselves in this “radical middle” space, deeply valuing both solid biblical teaching and the ongoing work of the Spirit - and not readily finding a church that matches.

You can earnestly desire and develop spiritual gifts while remaining in your current church through private Scripture study, prayer for wisdom and guidance, finding like-minded believers outside your church for fellowship and encouragement, listening to balanced teaching on the gifts, and practicing the gifts on your own like in a small group.

Continue to honor your church leadership, focusing on the many areas of agreement, and be gracious in discussions about the gifts. Consider having a humble, honest conversation with your elders about your position, and pray for wisdom about whether to stay or seek additional community. However, there are warning signs that might indicate a need for change, such as being pressured to deny your convictions or if the church actively teaches against seeking the gifts in a way that creates conflict with your conscience. The key is maintaining both conviction and unity, honoring God’s Word while showing Christ’s love to your church family. Blessings to you!


If you missed joining the Live Chat, you can still catch the episodes:

The Need for Elders: Biblical Leadership in a Time of Evangelical Crisis

With the recent wave of pastoral failures and church governance scandals, what does biblical church leadership actually look like? Today we’re diving into the crucial topic of elder leadership, examining Scripture’s blueprint for church governance.

We’ll explore critical questions facing churches today: • What’s the biblical case for plural eldership? • How do different models of church governance align with Scripture? • What’s the relationship between pastors, elders, and overseers? • How should churches select, evaluate, and (if necessary) remove elders? • What are the biblical qualifications for eldership? • What’s the distinction between elders and deacons? • Should there be term limits or limits on elder authority?

Whether you’re a church leader wrestling with these questions or a believer wanting to understand biblical church governance, this episode provides practical wisdom rooted in Scripture.

Join us as we examine how to navigate church leadership with biblical faithfulness in an age of evangelical crisis.

Episode Sponsored by Logos Bible Software - The all new Logos is now easier to use and more accessible than ever with monthly plans starting at $9.99. Visit to get started for FREE with an exclusive extended free trial of up to 60-days!


Testing The Prophets: Questioning The Integrity of The ACPE

We’ll critically examine the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) and their recent public statement addressing prophetic accountability. Are they truly holding prophets to biblical standards, or is there a deeper issue of inconsistency and theological missteps? We review their response to Emma Stark's controversial prophecy and explore broader questions about integrity within the prophetic movement.

If you're passionate about prophetic ministry, theological accuracy, and understanding the gifts of the Spirit in a biblical context, this discussion is for you. Watch now to engage with a thought-provoking critique and gain insights on the state of modern charismatic leadership.

We’ll discuss:

  • ACPE’s response to Emma Stark and her prophecy about Donald Trump

  • Why prophetic accountability matters for the church

  • Theological analysis of contingent versus fixed prophecies

  • Exploring the implications of false prophecy within the charismatic movement

Don’t miss this in-depth review that challenges the status quo in the charismatic world while promoting integrity and biblical faithfulness. Subscribe for more content on theology, church history, and the gifts of the Spirit.

If you missed our first episode on this controversy, you can find it here.


What is Church Discipline & How Do We Do It?


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