Evangelism: What is God Calling Us to Do?


Evangelism is a profound calling that requires a strong foundation built on prayer and dependence on God.

In a recent sermon, I explored the transformative impact of these principles on our approach to sharing the Gospel, discussing how God initiates evangelism, how He communicates through evangelism and how He regenerates in evangelism.

Pastor Josh Lewis - King’s Fellowship Church

At the heart of effective evangelism lies a foundation of prayer. Before rushing into action, it is crucial to turn to God in prayer. Just as a farmer prays for a bountiful harvest, we should approach the Lord of the harvest, seeking His power, guidance, and provision. Prayer allows us to acknowledge our dependence on God and recognize that the task before us is too great to be accomplished in our own strength.

Ineffective evangelism arises when we rely on our own abilities rather than surrendering to God's power. It is through embracing dependence on God that we become effective instruments of His work. Despite our limitations and shortcomings, we can lean on His strength, wisdom, and empowerment.

It is not our intellect or eloquence that will win souls for Christ, but the power of the Holy Spirit working through us. By surrendering ourselves to God's leading, we become vessels through which His work is accomplished.

Dependence on God allows us to overcome obstacles, navigate falsehoods, and impact broken lives with the transformative message of Jesus Christ. Our role is not to take credit for the work accomplished but to humbly surrender to God's plan and invite Him to use us as conduits of His grace.

I invite you to listen to the full sermon by clicking the link.